Watch how Skydiving turned Horribly wrong for Inexperienced Student Eugene S as he dangerously plummets towards the Earth while his Instructors desperately try to reach Him before it's too Late

Skydiving is one of the most thrilling and extreme sports on the Planet and everyone for once wishes to dive at least once from the sky on to Earth while for some it's a way of getting rid of their scare of heights. However Skydiving is not a child's play and indeed needs a bit of training before you are ready to successfully do skydiving. In a recent incident things went horribly wrong for the inexperienced Skydiver student Eugene S as he lost control of his body in the midair while skydiving and started plummeting dangerously towards the ground. In skydiving one needs to maintain a proper air resistance for the parachute deployment using their body with stomach facing towards the Earth is the best position in maintaining proper speed but any other position can prove fatal for the parachute deployment as you quickly start to gain speed during the freefall and in no way is idle for parachute deployment.
That's what happened with the skydiver student, the moment they jumped of the plane one of the instructors kept a hold of him but the moment he was released from his grasp the student tried to reach or keep a hold of the parachute release chord and started to spin dangerously in the midair and was now dangerously plummeting towards the ground as two of the instructors desperately tried to reach him while one of them checked their altimeter for the altitude for parachute deployment it was lucky day for the novice skydiver as one of the agile instructors finally caught hold of him and turned him back in the correct position and also released the parachute chord bringing the horrific midair situation under control before it was too late for the diver and finally landed safely on to land. Meanwhile the whole incident was caught live all thanks to the GoPro cameras the instructors were wearing as it caught the brave Instructors saving the day in the midair just like in the movies. Real Life Superheroes! quickly went viral among the netizens as they saved the boy. :)